Coombe House School

We believe how we dress is an important factor when it comes to maintaining the sense of belonging and sense of inclusivity that Coombe House School celebrates. Pride in our appearance supports our well-being as well as enhances our self-esteem.

The Coombe House School uniform is simple and accessible. We are happy for our pupils to wear white polo shirts, a dark green jumper/cardigan and charcoal /black coloured trousers or skirts. In hotter weather, smart charcoal or black coloured shorts may be worn as an alternative.  Footwear needs to be black.

We understand that for some pupils their individual needs require a flexible approach to uniform. We will work with the individual families to support them with this.

We ask pupils to attend school in clothing and appearance that supports their learning and safety and the ethos of the school.  Clothing, jewellery or other styling that interferes with the school ethos, learning or safety is not allowed.

If you have any questions about school uniform, please get in touch.