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Coombe House School

The start of a wonderful relationship at Coombe House School

We welcome visits from pupils and parents/carers who are being considered for a transition to Coombe House School. Please contact your Provision Lead at Dorset County who can arrange this for you.

Our admissions policy details the admissions process. This can be found on our policies page.

Once a place has been agreed at Coombe House School, we will work with pupils, parents/carers and other professionals to create a personalised transition plan so that we can maintain continuity of learning and care and to introduce the new pupil to our school. Pupils will have the opportunity to meet and get to know their Teaching and Support team before their first day, and the pace of progression for the plan will be designed to ensure a successful transition. We hope that the relationships built before their first day will be the start of an amazing and successful journey at Coombe House School.